
I am currently a second-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Technology at the University of Cambridge, under the supervision of Prof. Rafal Mantiuk. I recently obtained my Bachelor of Engineering degree from Fudan University in 2023. In 2022, I had the opportunity to work as a research assistant at Stanford University - SVL , advised by Prof. Jiajun Wu and Prof. Yunzhu Li. Prior to that, I served as a research assistant at Fudan University from 2021 to 2023, under the guidance of Prof. Tao Chen.

I am highly interested in the fields of computer vision, robotics, and computer graphics. Specifically, throughout my doctoral studies, I intend to concentrate on the realm of Display Image Quality Assessment. My objective is to integrate insights from the human visual system with cutting-edge machine learning techniques, thereby establishing robust computational models for the evaluation of display image and video quality.

Email: yc613 [at] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk & cycxueshu [at] 163 [dot] com
Wechat: cyc13700232963
OpenReview / GitHub / 知乎Zhihu /



University of Cambridge
Department of Computer Science and Technology
Ph.D. Student

October 2023 - Present

Stanford University
Computer Science Department
Non-degree Undergraduate Student
On-site Research Intern (UVRI Intern)

January 2022 - June 2023

Fudan University
Intelligent Science and Technology (excellent class)
Undergraduate Student
GPA: 3.92/4.0; Ranking: 1/245

September 2019 - June 2023


(* indicates equal contribution)

Yancheng Cai, Fei Yin, Dounia Hammou, Rafał K. Mantiuk
Do computer vision foundation models learn the low-level characteristics of the human visual system?
CVPR 2025, Accepted
[Arxiv Paper] [Project] [Code] [Results]
Yancheng Cai, Ali Bozorgian, Maliha Ashraf, Robert Wanat, Rafał K. Mantiuk
elaTCSF: A Temporal Contrast Sensitivity Function for Flicker Detection and Modeling Variable Refresh Rate Flicker
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, Accepted (With Strong Accept)
[Project] [Paper]

Yancheng Cai*, Stephen Tian*, Hong-Xing Yu, Sergey Zakharov, Katherine Liu, Adrien Gaidon, Yunzhu Li, Jiajun Wu
Multi-object manipulation via object-centric neural scattering functions
CVPR 2023, Published (With two Strong Accepts)
[Project] [Paper]

Yancheng Cai, Bo Zhang, Baopu Li, Tao Chen, Hongliang Yan, Jingdong Zhang, Jiahao Xu
Rethinking Cross-Domain Pedestrian Detection: A Background-Focused Distribution Alignment Framework for Instance-free One-Stage Detectors
TIP (IEEE Transactions on Image Processing), Published
[IEEE paper] [知乎]

Jingdong Zhang, Peng Ye, Bo Zhang, Hancheng Ye, Baopu Li, Yancheng Cai, Tao Chen
BridgeNet: Comprehensive and Effective Feature Interactions via Bridge Feature for Multi-Task Dense Predictions
TPAMI (IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence), Published
[IEEE paper]

Lei Lu*, Yancheng Cai*, Hua Huang, Ping Wang
An efficient fine-grained vehicle recognition method based on part-level feature optimization
Neurocomputing, Published

Yilong Lv, Yancheng Cai, Yujie He, Min Li
DrKD: Decoupling response-based distillation for object detection
Pattern Recognition, Published

Zhaoqing Wu, Yancheng Cai, Xiaohua Qiu, Min Li, Yujie He, Yu Song, Weidong Du
Dual-band Maritime Ship Classification based on Multi-layer Convolutional Features and Bayesian Decision
ICONIP 2021 (International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2021), Published

YuJie He, Min Li, ZhenHua Wei, Yancheng Cai
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Weighted Variation Coefficient Local Contrast Measure
PRCV 2021 (Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision 2021), Published

Research Experience

Selected Award

Academic Service